The work of many hands doing many things
cannot happen if people don’t know the opportunities.
GWM serves the Williamsburg area as a convener of churches, community businesses, and organizations working to create unity and see God’s purposes for the Williamsburg area flourish. Please submit events or initiatives that your church or organization is doing to move us towards these goals so we can help others know.
Email us and we will get back to you. We cannot post everything we are asked to—there would be information overload!—but we look forward to seeing Williamsburg mobilized for positive transformation with as many opportunities as we are able.
** If your church or organization is not a GWM partner, we hope you’ll contact us so we can find out more about you and your event. In our focus to work in biblical unity, posted events will not advocate any particular Christian doctrine that divides the Christian church, nor will we post events that seek to influence voting outcomes or are political in their intent.

A Time to Grieve
At Greater Williamsburg Movement, we grieve over the senseless and brutal deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd in recent days. We have seen the choreography of evil in our streets and in the human heart that has caused these senseless tragedies. We grieve over the depth of our own individual and societal sin.
We affirm the Imago Dei, image of God, in every person. We affirm that we, as the community of faith, must model the unity across racial lines that Jesus prayed for and died for.
We deepen our resolve to act as peacemakers and boldly foster unity in cities globally. We commit ourselves to an ethic of justice as a measurable expression of our love. We resolve to act in practical ways that reflect our resolve to love one another in the good news of the gospel. We resolve to never cease in prayer.
Our way forward:
Lament – we weep with those who weep in this time of great sorrow and agony
Listen – we commit to invest time in listening to understand the pain of others
Learn – we ask God to teach us what we need to know in this season
Lead – God, give us the strength and courage to respond prophetically and practically
As we dedicate ourselves to build loving and trusting relationships among all of churches in our community, we look forward to the day we can confidently declare to Jesus that we are One as he prayed in John 17 on the night prior to his crucifixion:
22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

The sudden “stay at home, we’re going online for the rest of the school year” in Spring 2020 showed the gaping holes that exist for many children who do not have either computers or internet in their homes.
A private corporate donor provided 30 new Lenova Chrome Books to make available free to children needing them for the 2020-21 school year. Partner churches are identifying families and will distribute them to children this summer.
This is community working together in one way to help navigate the coming unknowns so our children continue their education and transform communities. Would your church or business like to gather the next 5 computers to give 5 more local children what they will need to do school this fall?

We are currently editing and uploading the videos. Please check back later for the recordings. Thank you for your understanding.

Founded in 2003, Safe Families for Children surrounds families in crisis with caring, compassionate community. A volunteer-driven nonprofit that provides hope and support to families in our local communities. Located in 70 cities across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond, motivated by faith to keep children safe and families intact.